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* Kinesiologist *

* Spiritual Alchemist *

* Reiki Master * Teacher *

* Crystal Therapist * Spiritual Artist *

* Feng Shui Specialist * Numerologist * Intuitive Oracle *

I am a * Healer * Mystic * Artist * Teacher * Divine Messenger * Spiritual Alchemist * Radiant Light Being * a student of life *

and so much more! I walk the path of Divine Inspiration and my role & life purpose while inhabiting a physical body on this planet is to shine my Divine Light, to Inspire, to demonstrate by example that it is possible to thrive & prosper.

I offer you Crystal Wisdom, Divinely inspired messages from the Stars, Alignment, Art, Vision, Beauty, Joy, Peace, Balance, Harmony, Acceptance, Gratitude, Compassion, Grace & Love, and I consider it an absolute honour to share my skills, abilities

and life experience with each and every one of you.


I am a qualified Teaching Reiki Master, now with 20 years of experience.

I’m also a qualified Spiritual Artist, specialising in Sacred Geometry & Intuitive Alignment,

fully qualified Vibrational Therapist, specialising in Crystal, Colour, Sound, & Energy Therapies, 

fully qualified Kinesiologist, Numerologist, Feng Shui Specialist, & Professional Intuitive Oracle Card / Tarot Reader,

with Diploma’s in Kinesiology, Metaphysics & Spiritual Artistry.

I am also the only Teacher of Starflower's Spiritual Alchemy a comprehensive Training Course approved by the

International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) which explores all facets of Metaphysics & Spiritual Alchemy.

With an Associate Diploma in Clinical Laboratory Techniques from QUT, and a professional background in Clinical Biochemistry,

I bring a wealth of Practical Knowledge & Intuitive Wisdom to all of my Sessions.


My Philosophy & Mission is to share my Knowledge & Wisdom with all who feel guided to work with me; to provide support and gentle guidance in a safe professional environment so that you may access your own inner spark of * Divine Light * Love * & Wisdom * to accept responsibility for your own health and well being and embody the full expression of your Divine Design.

My Therapy Sessions & Training Courses are conducted at Starflower’s Crystal Wisdom Academy of Spiritual Alchemy, my beautiful purpose built Studio in the inner Brisbane suburb of Fairfield, and I also offer specialist Tuition at additional venues in harmony with qualified Master Teachers & Practitioners by request.

* i tailor every session to meet your individual requirements *

When you make the decision to visit me you can be assured that you are making a wise investment in your Health & Wellbeing with a fully qualified Vibrational Therapist. I offer you a unique combination of complementary therapeutic techniques including


* Kinesiology * 

* Spiritual Alchemy * 

* Crystal Therapy * 

* Reiki * 

* Colour Therapy * 

* Sound Therapy using the Crystal Lyre, Energy Chimes, Singing Bowls & Harmony Drums *

* Feng Shui *

* Numerology *

* Dowsing with a Crystal Pendulum *

* Intuitive Oracle Card Readings *


* Spiritual Art *

incorporating the principles of Sacred Geometry & Intuitive Alignment


I offer a very gentle approach when working with you. My intention is to bring a compassionate presence of non-judgment to each session and to create a nurturing environment where you feel safe to share your personal experiences and receive guidance; develop self love, self responsibility and inner confidence to achieve your goals and reach your highest potential. I work with you to firstly identify the areas of imbalance in your life and in your body, from a Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual perspective and then apply my unique skills & therapeutic techniques to support you on a Soul level to:


* Access the origins of the imbalance *

* Release non beneficial energies *

* Create a pathway back to balance and harmony *


Below are just some of the areas where I can provide guidance and insight for you:


Physical disharmony including:

Back pain


Neck and shoulder tension

Joint pain

Menstrual pain

Chronic Fatigue

Irritable bowel


Emotional imbalances such as:


Trauma and Abuse


Relationship disharmony

Inappropriate expression of emotions, e.g. suppress, then explode

Self worth issues and self sabotage


Mental issues including:

Sleep disorders


Fears and phobias

Lack of concentration and ability to focus



Spiritual work includes:

Contract release from past life influence

Soul Retrieval

Entity removal

Connecting with your Inner Child

Release of energetic cords and attachments

Reconnection with Mother Earth, Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Source

Divine Life Purpose

Meditation techniques and Grounding exercises


As a Vibrational Therapist, I apply the use of Crystals, Colour, Sound and Energy along with the purest intention from Beings of the Highest Light including Archangels, Spirit Guides, Elemental Beings, Galactic Beings and other Spiritual Helpers. I share my unique blend of counseling techniques, Energy work and Body work to assist you in achieving your highest potential.


Please note: All sessions are designed to assist you in attaining deep relaxation along with personal growth and transformation. You will remain fully clothed at all times. These methods are all forms of complementary therapy and in no way replace conventional medicine.

* My Philosophy & Mission *

* It is my Philosophy & Mission to share my Knowledge & Wisdom with all who feel guided to work with me, to provide support and gentle guidance in a safe professional environment where you may access your own inner spark of * Divine Light * Love * & * Wisdom * so that you may accept responsibility for your own health & well being and embody the full expression of your Divine Design *

Please note: All sessions are designed to assist you in attaining deep relaxation along with personal growth and transformation.

* These methods are all forms of complementary therapy and in no way replace conventional medicine *

* My intention is to offer gentle guidance, intuitive insight, practical suggestions & vibrational support *

* Always remember, you are a powerful Sovereign being of light and love; responsible for all of your thoughts, words & actions *

* Please accept only the information which resonates with you at this time *

* Allow the loving vibrations of crystals, colour, sound, & energy to gently return you to your natural state of perfect balance & perfect harmony *


* Starflower's Crystal Wisdom * ACADEMY OF SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY * 77 Mildmay St Fairfield Brisbane Qld Australia 4103


* All Art is created by * Sonia Jenkinson * unless otherwise acknowledged *


* * Website created by * * Sonia Jenkinson * *

* Copyright * 2025 * Sonia Jenkinson * All Rights Reserved *

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